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spider veins treatment

Spider Vein Removal

Say goodbye to spider veins.

Say goodbye to spider veins and vascular lesions and uncover your skin's true beauty! Using the power of advanced laser technology, we'll gently and precisely treat the affected areas, leaving you with smoother, clearer skin.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear close to the surface of the skin, resembling a spider's web or tree branches. While they are generally harmless, their appearance can cause self-consciousness and discomfort for many individuals.

What can the LP Nd:YAG 1064nm treat?

The LP Nd:YAG 1064nm is an excellent choice for women and men of all ages considering treatment for various skin conditions including:

  • Hemangiomas

  • Telangiectasia

  • Venus lake of the lip

  • Spider veins

  • Facial veins

  • Broken capillaries

  • Cherry Angiomas

  • Port wine stains

skin conditions


The laser emits light at a wavelength of 1064nm, which is in the infrared spectrum. This wavelength penetrates deeper into the skin than other types of lasers, making it ideal for treating deeper blood vessels. The laser works by heating up the blood vessels, causing them to coagulate and eventually be absorbed by the body's immune system.


During the treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver the laser energy to the targeted area. The treatment is relatively painless, although some patients may experience a mild warming sensation. Depending on the size and severity of the vascular lesion, multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired results.


Another advantage of the LP Nd:YAG 1064nm laser is that it is safe for all skin types, including dark skin, as it does not target melanin.



During your consultation your provider will assess your skin to personalize a treatment plan for you. Best results are typically seen after a series of treatments spread 4-8 weeks apart. Venous lake on the lip and cherry angiomas usually only require 1-2 treatments, while spider veins typically require 3-4.



By combining concurrent cooling with gradual heating, we are able to achieve results while keeping you comfortable.



Light redness and swelling of the treatment area for 12-72 hours post treatment. No recovery time needed.

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